Friday, October 28, 2005

Happy after a full day and lots of Kirn beer
Bud at the marina

Japanese graves face the sea
Snorkeling off the back of the boat
The cliff house on the cape (in the distance)
"Grass Ningas"

Had a good day. Did some touring around the cape and hung out at the marina. Worked on the boat and went snorkeling for the first time. After swimming for a while, I found the good corral reefs and the vast underwater world it supports. Took some good pictures that I can't download to my site. Gotta love computers. Going out early tomorrow on my dad's friends boat. It's a 45 ft. race yacht. I met some girls on the beach that coached me on diving and were to go. Pooped..., I forgot how hungry and tired the water makes you (kinda like cycling). can't wait to see what tomorrow holds