Saturday, November 12, 2005

Last weekend on the island. Went on the "Battle for Okinawa" tour.
Checked out some of the web of caves that the Japanese army fought from

In this room, many Japanese soldiers committed suicide by grenade.

Underground Naval headquarters of Imperial Japan
These dudes were very well dug in. Okinawa, not Normandy was the largest land invasion force ever assembled. Neither the Americans, Japanese, or Okinawans memorialize the battle. These tunnels are the only reminents of the carnage that took place here.
Hacksaw ridge, with SugarLoaf hill over my left shoulder. The invation force landed in the bay past sugarloaf.

Tora, Tora, Tora,


Waves and rain the last couple days.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Had a Killer day of sailing. Good winds, high seas, and a fast boat.

John taught me the one handed Heineken helm spin.

We where really cooking today, getting almost 9 knots (when I wasn't steering)
Throwing up a wake.

Chatan City Three wheel motor scooters that lean. No kickstand required

Okinawan School Girls Rule!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Going sailing this morning with capt. Jon. The post to my blog have decreased in frequency because I've been falling asleep before I hit the pillow. Went to a asian spa this week, visited a replica Ryukyuan village, went to a "Mongoose vs. Habu snake" show, swim with the fishes, and go out to new restaurants almost every nite. 3 days left, and I feel like I've only scratched the surface.
Yes, Crocs have made it to Okinawa Island. They get the same curious looks that they did in Boulder 2 years ago. My Dad's Okinawan sailing buddy, Ozuma just ordered a pair. This is the only store I've found them in (american specialty store).

Ozuma, Buddy and I going over systems on the boat.
More trippy cars

Bento Boxes and Beer

I'm going to be a "grass ninga" for Halloween next year

Friday, November 04, 2005

Fine sunset with the Ilihune and the Malitoa in the background. I think "Ilihune" means PoorPeople in Hawaii. Big John is the is a DODDS teacher and skipper of this rig. He is in to racing, and does pleasure cruising on the weekend.
The Keramus Islands looking west from the dock. Oh yeah, I learned this new trick. Levitation. Just takes a little concentration.
My transportation has been a Lemond Cross bike I put together for Buddy. It's the only way to really see the good stuff on the back streets.
Sunabe Steps. Where many first time scuba divers put in. Kinda like the Boulder equivalent of the "wanker trail." So I thought! I got in the water with snorkel gear and was instantly blown away. The water starts shallow and in hard corrals. I followed a fissure in the reef that instantly opened to underwater cliffs. The diversity of life in the water is staggering. I stayed out exploring until I was exhausted. I'm hooked. Scuba certification will be the next.
More of the sea wall. I've put in here too. I have a net backpack that hold my flipper, mask, snorkel, ect... I've been buying "obento" boxes of food from the supermart. I've eaten more raw seafood in two weeks than I have in my entire life. No supersize option on obento.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Living vicariously through my parents (i realize it's normally the other way around) My trip would not be possible without their vision and love for travel, adventure, and living in foreign countries. I remember the first big step that started it all in 1981.
Check out the latest National Geographic Magazine for November 2005. Longevity and Okinawa. Eat your Goya, Danialsan!!!
Another good day. My range is increasing, and soon I should have this island dialed. This sushi bar I found has a rotary platform that shoots out fresh sushi from the kitchen. Each plate has it's own color that denotes a price. At the end of your "shesh" they scan your plates and give you the total. The most reasonable I've found. Got stuffed for 9 bucks. Who said Japan was expensive?
I noticed this Okinawian lady was having a coffee and a smoke, she started some Thai-chi looking stuff, then broke out into a beautiful song/chant. Don't quite know what to make of it. Cultural experience.
anatomically correct cars of Okinawa

More trippy small cars and vans
On a most of the new cars, when in "Park," both side view mirrors retract so they don't get clobbered in tight parking.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Had an incredible day at the "Ocean world Expo," the worlds second largest aquarium located on the northern end of the island.

The pictures simply can't describe how huge the tanks and it's inhabitants are. Stood for hours watching.
The Japanese were very proud of this facility, and it would take at least two days of touring to do it justice. Everything i've ever seen on the discovery channel, then some. They claim (although not quite the largest) it is the most diverse in terms of species.
They have an intact carcass of Archituthis (giant squid). One of only two in existence in the world. I somehow managed to erase that picture....bummer.
They also have a waterfoundain that shots a scope like mouthwash so your breath is minty fresh. Do not swallow!! Happy Joy Luck Fresh Fountain
Ari came with.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Been doing lots of sailing, yet the biker tan remains. I'm starting to think it's permanent!
Sun rise salutation never felt so zen.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Happy after a full day and lots of Kirn beer
Bud at the marina

Japanese graves face the sea
Snorkeling off the back of the boat
The cliff house on the cape (in the distance)
"Grass Ningas"

Had a good day. Did some touring around the cape and hung out at the marina. Worked on the boat and went snorkeling for the first time. After swimming for a while, I found the good corral reefs and the vast underwater world it supports. Took some good pictures that I can't download to my site. Gotta love computers. Going out early tomorrow on my dad's friends boat. It's a 45 ft. race yacht. I met some girls on the beach that coached me on diving and were to go. Pooped..., I forgot how hungry and tired the water makes you (kinda like cycling). can't wait to see what tomorrow holds